How we Eat and Live
Cooking is a lifeline on our farm. When the days run long, the act of cooking a meal clears away the mental clutter. When we cook, we find ourselves and each other again.
Food is our foundation. We share recipes from our kitchen with our CSA members. Our journey as farmers and winemakers connects people to the local sustainability movement. From what we're cooking to how we talk about agriculture, food is how we pilot change in our local foodweb.
In addition to our recipes, we talk with nearby visionaries working to develop the food and drink industry for the better. Their stories illustrate what is happening in our wider community and together paint the portrait of our local foodways.
At the end of the year, we collect our best food and cocktail recipes and stories from the year in an annual magazine.

Issue 02 (Dec 2023)
In this issue, we’re focusing the lens on local changemakers. These
are people and collectives whose work goes beyond the consumable: a trio of musicians-turned-mindful brewers, an impassioned chef overhauling his own industry, and a winery incubator leveling the playing field in the name of equality. Stories like these are where our shared future begins.

Issue 01 (Dec 2022)
On Booze & Balance
In this release, we catalog our journey as farmers to find peace in the artistry of place-based barcraft. From momentary cocktails to the marathon of winemaking, we explore how a mindset of play can help us to live happier, fuller lives.