Halfway out of the Dark
Andrew NapierWe don't know about you, but when the weather turns chilly, we find ourselves stalking around the bar, looking for something to hit the marks of warming, weighty, and enlivening all in one go. This is that cocktail. Byrrh adds the required body, while mezcal keeps things from getting to cozy in the glass.
- 2 oz Byrrh
- 1 oz Mezcal
- 1 oz Sarsparila soda (we used Maine Soda Co., but you could substitute a high acid ginger ale in a pinch)
- 1 dash Artemisia Quercus Bitters
- Rosemary Sprig, for garnish
- Mix the Byrrh, Mezcal, Sarsparilla, and bitters in a shaker over ice and stir to combine. Remember, never shake anything pretty.
- Strain into a coupe glass and garnish with the rosemary.